
Nomura Securities

Case detail

This GI (group identity) project for a major Japanese securities firm accompanied the 2001 establishment of Nomura Holdings, a holding company that brought all the Nomura group's companies in Japan and other countries together under a single umbrella. GRAMCO advocated concentrating all the group's brand assets in the Nomura logo.
By developing a VI manual (including an English-language version) as well as designing various corporate items, we clarified the logo's value and established regulations for its application. Our objective was to reinforce the group's brand by permitting use of the various companies' existing marks, while at the same time assigning a strong endorsement function to the Nomura logo. Prior to the GI project, Gramco also led a SI (standardization of the group’s branch offices) and a VI project for the group itself. Moreover, we developed a style guide for the group after the GI project has finished.