PROUD is a luxury condominium and residence brand devised by Nomura Real Estate, one of Japan's major condominium and housing developers. Gramco supported it by building brand value among customers through the brand concept ("Be You, Be New, Be Together"). We created an image to reflect a high-end brand living and growing with customers. We then built on this foundation by developing the PROUD logo and brand color.
We employed a serif font with special panache for the logo, which we cast into a rectangle with a side stripe, and selected a proud blue, replete with quality, as the brand color. We established sub-brands for every product category, moreover, including the high-rise condominium and urban condominium categories, and even developed special fonts (with upper- and lower-case letters) exclusively for use in writing the various product names.
The logo is deployed on a broad range of items, from pamphlets and business cards to information center interiors and exteriors and property guidance tools, contributing significantly to enhancing the brand value. It also adds a distinctive impact to the Proud and Proud Club information magazines, among other uses.